The fatal shooting is still under investigation.

Yesterday Kent Police Chief Ken Thomas and other Kent representatives met for two hours with the family of Giovonn McDade. McDade was the 20-year-old Kent man who was shot in late June, following a car chase. Chief Thomas, who had tried to reach out to the family previously, said he was thankful for the opportunity to clarify some of the misunderstandings surrounding this incident.

The investigation into this matter will continue to be conducted by the Valley Investigation Team, which is a joint team of outside, non-Kent investigators. Once the investigation has been concluded, it will be sent to the King County Prosecutor for review, and in accordance with County policies, an inquest will be conducted.

The officers involved in this incident have completed the review process, and have been cleared by an independent professional to return to duty.  Chief Thomas anticipates releasing the names of the involved officers in the near future.

At the conclusion of the meeting today, the McDade family indicated it will be submitting to the Kent Police Department a revised request for additional information. The Police Department will review the updated request, and, after consulting with the King County Prosecutor, anticipates providing additional information in the near future.

[Source: Kent Police Dept. Press release has been edited.]


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